Focus to Freedom

Unleash Your Full Potential

The best step-by-step guided life-transformation system for Creative Geniuses, like you.

Achieve Laser Focus

Unleash your full mental energy and control your focus.

Skyrocket Productivity

Do more with less effort, all day long. And have energy left to live a life you love!

End Overwhelm

Enjoy peace of mind, manage stress and prevent burnout.

Focus to Freedom 2.0

You asked. We delivered. 

After years helping and working alongside Creative Geniuses, we gathered all the comments, feedback, needs, wants, and wishes and packed them into one all-inclusive program. 

This is the solution for you to succeed. You’re NOT average. Why settle for it? Stop settling for 'good enough' or just 'okay' and start thriving today! 

  • Lifetime-Access to All Training through Online Portal
  • Weekly Gameboards Motivate You
  •  Watch Parties Keep You On Track
  • Expert-led Group Coaching Sessions With Your Peers
  • One-on-One Support for Your Unique Issues
  •  Deep-dive Workshop Helps You Live a Strength-based Life
  • Get Real Results With Live, Interactive Support to Apply What You Learn
  •  Ritual-Building Workshop
  • Peer Accountability and Support 'Focus Pods'
  • More Peer Support Through Private Creative Genius Community
  • Multimodal Delivery Fits Every Learning Style
  • Post-program Implementation Support for Real Life

An Investment That Pays Off Now...

(and For the Rest of Your Life)

Payment Plans That Work For You

Look, we get it. We don’t want the financial stress of paying for the program all at once to get in the way. That's why we designed easy payment plans that will work for you and your budget. 

$250 US monthly

(6 monthly payments)

Let's do it!

$1,399 US one-time

(Pay now)

Let's do it!

(Click here for Canadian and International pricing.)


Please join me on this video tour of Focus to Freedom 2.0










Still have questions?

Read on!

Welcome to

Focus to Freedom 2.0

The Best-Ever Program for Creative Geniuses Like You to Take Control of Your Focus, Your Day… Your Life


This 8-WEEK training program starts April 19, 2023.

We teach you how to tap into your Creative Genius and create the ideal conditions for incredible focus. We take you by the hand and, step-by-step, piece-by-piece, we help you fine-tune your Creative Genius life for peak performance. Focus to Freedom 2.0 will bring about a positive, permanent shift in the quality of your life.

Let's Redefine What's Possible

You can do this. I know that’s hard to imagine when…

  • You feel frustrated and overwhelmed watching your To-Do list grow out of control. And it keeps growing despite you working more and more hours.
  • You’re missing time with your friends and family – time you’ll never get back.
  • You cycle from bed to work, work to bed, without freedom to pursue your own passions.
  • No one, not your boss, your investors, your partners, your co-workers, your employees, not even your family trusts you to deliver what you’ve promised.
  • Things at home aren’t any better. With no energy left, you’re not pulling your weight.
  • Frustration levels are so high you’re facing divorce. (At least I was.)

And what could be worse than others having a poor opinion of you?

Eliminate Self-Doubt to Send Your Life into a New Higher Trajectory

Negativity and doubts creep into the way you think of yourself, robbing you of confidence and self-esteem. Do you say, “I’ll never amount to anything” or ask “What’s wrong with me?” or, “Why can’t I get this right? I work so hard and always screw up.”

Duane shared how ashamed and stuck he felt. At least he did before he started using the strategies you will put in place in this program.

Purpose-Built for Your Creative Genius Brain

But it wasn’t his fault – and it’s not yours either. He wasn’t broken, and neither are you. Solutions  others offer are the problem… they aren’t right for your Creative Genius brain.

But now you have no reason to doubt. We’ve created the perfect program to ensure your success. What’s more, we guarantee it.

You’ll learn to tap into your Creative Genius to become more productive than you ever imagined.

I’m so proud of Focus to Freedom 2.0. We’ve learned a lot over many years working with thousands of Creative Geniuses! We boiled down their comments, feedback, needs, wants, and wishes and built THE program you need to succeed. We’ve created a guided life transformation system for Creative Geniuses, but it’s so much more.

Supercharged Learning for Creative Geniuses

You have 24/7 access to all training materials, downloads and instructions through a members-only website. Learn from anywhere. Learn anytime.

You learn differently, and we've got you covered. Each lesson is delivered in:

  • short, high-quality video,
  • downloadable audio,
  • and text transcript.

No matter what your unique learning style, Focus to Freedom 2.0 works for you! Many people get great results by combining approaches like reading along with the audio recording.

Each person learns at a different rate. Most members complete each module in 2-3 hours per week.

What you learn is amazingly effective. You'll gain the time you invest back and more as you apply what you learn.

The Focus to Freedom 2.0 'Secret Sauce'

As amazing as the strategies are, if you can't use them in your life, they're no help to you. What makes Focus to Freedom 2.0 revolutionary is our “secret sauce.” Everything works together to help you apply these strategies in your life. That's why this program delivers real, measurable results.

If nothing has ever worked for you before, it’s time for you to redefine what's possible. No other program is purpose-built for Creative Geniuses. You apply what you learn, to…

  • Develop your unique approach to life (following Creative Genius best practices)
  • Empower yourself (with full self-expression and peace of mind)
  • Learn to soar (with time and energy to pursue your passions)

Let us help you fine-tune your Creative Genius brain, lifestyle, environment – life. The result? You’re equipped for impact.

The First Step to Breakthrough Thinking

The entire program is designed from the ground up and works from Day One to ensure your success. In the Bonus Quick Start Workshop kick-off session we'll help you create your roadmap to sail through this program having fun instead of being overwhelmed. Together, we'll:

  • Create an Action Plan for success – guaranteed to work (if you work it.)
  • Get your game on – we’ve gamified Focus to Freedom 2.0 to help you stick with the program.
  • Establish your "Implementation Intention" – the secret to breaking through from "dream" to DONE!
  • Complete your Focus to Freedom pre-assessment – when you know where you stand, you can head in the right direction.
  • Connect with the Creative Genius Community – connect with your fellow Creative Geniuses all participating in Focus to Freedom 2.0.
  • Connect with your Focus Pods – "If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together." – African Proverb.
  • Set you up to win – We'll make sure you don't fall behind because of a technical glitch.

Fast Forward to Through-the-Roof Productivity

  • We Make It Your Mission: After each lesson, we assign your mission for the week with precise instructions to use what you learn in your own life.
  • Your Weekly Gameboard challenges you and activates your Creative Genius brain. Applying what you learn is fun... and the payout is huge!
  • A Different Kind of "Focus" Group: Each week, we enjoy a meeting of the minds for coaching, guidance, and encouragement.
  • Never Miss Anything. We record all live sessions. You can download them and watch at your computer or listen on the go.
  • Continue the Discussion: We’ve created a private community platform where you connect with fellow participants.
  • The Focus Pod Buddy System Works: Groups of two, three or four participants support each other through the program (and long after – many stay together for years!)
  • Celebration Time, Come On!: We hold a "graduation" celebration, but we continue support for 4 more weeks as you activate these strategies in your life.

1 payment of $1,399 USD


1 payment of $1,699 CAD


6 monthly payments of
$250 USD


6 monthly payments of
$295 CAD


Life Saving Advice You Can’t Afford to Miss

I want you to experience a transformation in your life like the one Duane and our entire family realized. I’m including advanced bonus training you'll find nowhere else!


  • We created the Quick Start Workshop to Creative Genius Learning. Your head can take you out of the game. We reveal the Creative Genius optimal approach to learning. And we’ll create your roadmap to sail through this program. Learning is fun, not of overwhelming. Master this strategy and apply it to any course you take – every program will double in value (or more) because you’ll finish it and use what you learn!


  • Successful Approaches to Creating Rituals to Thrive with ADHD. I’ll offer you a live workshop where I’ll coach you, not on theory, but on practical, applied neuroscience. We’ll help you create your own framework for adopting sustainable Creative Genius-friendly rituals. I’ll help you apply the latest neuroscience research to “hack” your brain, programming yourself for success. Automate everyday tasks, stop the energy-drain and free your mind. Making decisions demands so much energy, it creates "decision fatigue"! Master this and save your energy for creative and high-level thinking.


  • Developing a Strength-based Life Workshop Creative Geniuses, discover Your strengths: This workshop will help you identify and build on your strengths. Create a more fulfilling life. We'll have activities and discussions to explore your unique talents and learn to leverage them. Based on positive psychology, this approach helps you cultivate resilience and optimism. You will lead a happier and more fulfilling life.


  • Money Management for the Creative Genius. Creative Geniuses are more likely to struggle with money challenges. This bonus will help you discover why traditional personal finance and money management advice doesn’t work for you. It will also teach the strategies and techniques that do work so you can look forward to a much more secure future.

Your Focus to Freedom 2.0 Success Path to Creative Genius Greatness

Over the years, we’ve worked with thousands of Creative Geniuses! We’ve learned a lot about helping you focus. Then we created a Success Path that's a guided life transformation rocket-sled on rails for Creative Geniuses.


  • Map Your Unique Energy Patterns Discover how your Creative Genius brain works. First, determine the needs and abilities of your brain. You’ll map your unique mental energy patterns and we’ll redefine what’s possible. Managing your energy (instead of time) is the key to Creative Genius peak productivity. This will work for you (yes, even if you’ve never been able to focus!)


  • Make Lifestyle Choices to Boost Focus Creative Genius best practices optimize brain performance. In this step, we reveal Creative Genius best practices for optimal brain performance and level the emotional roller coaster. We dive deep into sleep, exercise, nutrition and more. (Did you know there’s a right and a wrong exercise for your Creative Genius brain?) Your lifestyle and mindset shield you against overwhelm.


  • Plan Your Days for Peak Productivity Match tasks to the best time to do them. Next, we equip you for impact. How many hours (days?, weeks?) have you spent putting out fires or wasted procrastinating because you couldn’t focus? By doing the right thing at the right time, you achieve peak productivity every hour of every day.


  • Apply Your Creative Genius Superpowers Hyperfocus at will. In this step, you learn to soar. When you pour your Creative Genius superpowers into your strengths, you send your life into a new, higher trajectory.


  • Eliminate Obstacles to Productivity Create the conditions for peak performance. And the most crucial step. End distractions and interruptions. We help you remodel your life to support your Creative Genius, optimizing your environment for focus. And we build "continuous improvement" into every step. One of the most powerful aspects of this program is the four extra group coaching sessions to help cement what you learn in your life.


You’re a Creative Genius. This is the success path to empower you to achieve full self expression and peace of mind.

Opportunity Is Knocking

You need to make a decision. A life-changing decision. 

You've weighed the pros and the cons. You talked it over. You've analyzed. You 've agonized.

I know you don't want to make the wrong decision, because deep down, you want to get it right. You need to get it right. 

But if you delay, your chance will disappear.

What Will You Regret Most?

That's the problem with decisions. The stakes always seem high. (And for Creative Geniuses, we wonder if we can take one more hit.) Because being wrong sucks.

But think of it this way. What will you regret more?

We focus on how much we will regret our decision. Even if it's something we really want to do. Because, what if it doesn't work out?

We Regret the Things We Didn't Do

But when we look back, we regret the things we didn't do.

We don't regret the things we did. After all, even if we make a huge mistake, we can fix it. We regret the things we didn't do. We regret the times we didn't take a chance on ourselves.

It's Decision Time

Now it's decision time. It's time to change your destiny. Make your move. Registration is closing soon - the countdown timer is ticking. I'll see you at the Quick Start session!

My Guarantee: The 30-Day Test Drive

The strategies we reveal (and help you implement and master) in this program have worked for thousands of people. I know it will work for you too. That's why I want you to commit to "playing full out" in this program.

Don't make a timid, half-hearted decision. Make a throw-myself-into-it-head-first decision that virtually guarantees success.

Don't do it for me. Do it for you.

I'm committed to your success so I want you to test drive the program at no risk. Throw yourself into it for the next 30 days. If you give it a genuine go and you don’t feel I delivered on my promise, ask for a refund. I'll give you your money back.

1 payment of $1,399 USD


1 payment of $1,699 CAD


6 monthly payments of
$250 USD


6 monthly payments of
$295 CAD


Where Will You Be One Year from Now?

A year from now, you will arrive. The question is… where? Choose the path that takes you where you want to go.


Go ahead, click below, and register for Focus to Freedom 2.0.

What other people are saying...
About Focus to Freedom

Judy Zika, La Mesa, California

“The zones are SUCH a helpful tool!”

Jayne Jones, Artist from Florida

“Heartfelt thank you Linda! You really made a difference in my life!”

Susan M.
Entrepreneur from Oregon

"For those just starting, this does work, absolutely and as a late diagnosis (53), Linda has made a huge impact on my journey to my best self from the ADHD burnout disaster I was."

Kurt Schroeder,
Insurance Sales, Illinois

“I can't say enough good about this course.  It has truly changed my life and I am eternally grateful!...The work you do is AMAZING!!!!”

Melissa Gordon President, EchelonCommunicate

“I want to convey what a wonderful facilitator you are, Linda, and that you have created a great program.”

Sidney M.
Empowered woman from Oakland, California

“I’m really happy with the things I’ve done. It’s a huge difference from just taking the meds and saying oh well!”


Josée M.
Entrepreneur from Quebec, Canada

“I’m so much calmer and I think it’s the confidence too, much more confident...”

Judy Zika, La Mesa, California

“Your approach is unique and the ongoing accessibility of your support tools to participants through your online platform is truly appreciated.”

About the our approach to Creative Genius learning and the live kick-off session...

Kurt Schroeder,
Insurance Sales, Illinois

“...the first thing [you told us] was, ‘Don't sit through the course and tell myself that I will apply everything after I've learned it all.’…  That is exactly what I would have done had you not put it in the context that you put it in. And I did apply things as they came up.”

About the weekly missions…

Melissa Gordon, President

“Your manner is encouraging and non-judging but firm - just great with me and watching you work with others I saw the same. Effective and kind.”

Kurt Schroeder,
Insurance Sales, Illinois

“…so many incredibly insightful personal experiences and shared them in such a way that I got it the first time and wow, experiences that I will be reflecting on for a very long time.”

About working in a group...

Josée M.
Entrepreneur from Quebec, Canada

“but it’s great because I see all your accomplishments and how happy everybody is and even if it’s a tiny one, it’s a tiny one... I cherish these calls… usually I start something and then wiggle out but with this program, I can’t wait to see you all, see how your weeks went.”

About Focus Pods…

Kurt Schroeder,
Insurance Sales, Illinois

“…I’m connecting with people. I’m enjoying my accountability calls…”

Josée M.
Entrepreneur from Quebec, Canada

“…a realization that I’m not alone, hey there are other people that are struggling too and it’s great to laugh and to hear everybody’s victories, it just makes me happy, it really does.”

About the Creative Genius lifestyle...

Michelle C.
Ottawa, Ontario

“I’m getting things done, which is nice, and things are finally coming together at work.

Sidney M.
Empowered woman from Oakland, California

I have a really clear picture of what I need to get my sleep be really regular so I’ve had it going on… wow boy I’m really in the captain’s seat now…. So I’m pretty much in charge of my sleep.”

Judy Zika, La Mesa, California

“When I go on trips, I usually carry a lot of stress with me – worries about being late or forgetting something – there was none of that on my last long trip with my husband.

Susan M.
Entrepreneur from Oregon

"I'm getting more done, I have some more time for myself, I have a plan for exercise..."

Kurt Schroeder,
Insurance Sales, Illinois

"I have become so conscious of what I should eat and what I shouldn’t eat... [I] went off my eating plan… and I noticed after one day what a mistake that was and I got back on it and I’m doing better again”

Susan M.
Entrepreneur from Oregon

"Shutting down the negative narrative and replacing with the positive one is enormous, it’s not just in de-talk to yourself, you’re doing something really astonishing to your brain when you’re being positive as opposed to negative."

About achieving peak productivity...

Josée M.
Entrepreneur from Quebec, Canada

“I’m glad because I know my energy [Genius] zones, and I know my Kinetic zones, I just need to put them in my calendar and then schedule around them”

Sidney M.
Empowered woman from Oakland, California

“I have had successes especially in planning the day before for the next day and realizing that at the end of the next day, I “My God, I did that” and I can’t describe the feeling of accomplishment of having done it, it’s like Wow! There may be a little hole here that I can get through into this other world.”

1 payment of $1,399 USD


1 payment of $1,699 CAD


6 monthly payments of
$250 USD


6 monthly payments of
$295 CAD